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Nofar Sela
נופר סלע
Spinning Around
Performance In collaboration with Adi Liraz
In an interactive performance Adi Liraz and Nofar Sela produce a text recreated by voice and by hand. Like the female spider, the artists weave a new world in which living objects are entangled, but at the same time, each one expresses her/history. As a result, a new matrix of one common and renewed world emerges.
Photo by Karina Villavicencio Berlin, May 2015
Photo by Karina Villavicencio Berlin, May 2015
Photo by Karina Villavicencio Berlin, May 2015
Written and performed by :Adi Liraz and Nofar Sela.
Year of production: 2014
Performed at the Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Weißensee, Berlin and in Kleiner Salon Gallery as part of the festival I´D RATHER BE A GODDESS THAN A CYBORG - a feminist queer art festival by Coven Berlin.
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